Communication Coach
Gerry McNulty
Communicating On Camera
Some of us are not comfortable talking on camera. With many of us continuing to rely on screens or phones to reach colleagues and customers, it is important to be aware of how our feelings translate through the screen, affecting the person watching or listening. Our presence is felt instantly the moment we utter our first response. So much depends on the tone, volume and pace of our voice, as well as how we appear to the viewer.
There is so much you can do to improve your confidence and the impression you make online, so do get in touch with us if this is something you would like to explore.
Communication Muscle
It can be hard work crafting the business relationships and working environment you need just to get on with your job! Every day we’re either building, maintaining, repairing, or strengthening an important working relationship, so our communication skill needs to be in top condition. Like any muscle, your communication muscle benefits from exercise.
Loud Isn't Everything
Over the past 35 years we’ve worked with many excellent people who feel disadvantaged because they are quiet and naturally reserved. They can feel beaten down with feedback which questions their commitment just because they aren’t constantly “contributing” in a meeting. Even the words “presence” and “presenting” make them recoil in horror. In our experience, the quietest people can become the most gifted communicators when they find and develop their most comfortable self. This lies at the heart of what we mean when we talk about people who have “presence". Loud isn’t everything!
People Buy People
The way we present ourselves and our ideas really matters.
Whether we’re selling pasties, policies, or our own potential; whether it’s a five-minute phone call, a fifteen-minute meeting or a full formal presentation, the way we come across in our everyday dealings with others can have a lasting impact on our confidence, and on our own and our organisation’s success.
You Can't
Fake It
Actually . . .some people can! But instinct is a powerful tool. Think back to the last time you knew you were talking to someone who was only acting as if they were interested. What an exhausting life! All that effort to fake interest when they could be spending their time being in the present moment which would seriously enhance their relationship with you.
A great communicator knows this.
How We Work
When we have understood what you and/or your team are trying to achieve, we will design and deliver a practical workshop or a training/coaching programme which accurately fits your needs.
We always suggest a period of time for you to practise and reflect after any programme we deliver, after which we can discuss any improvements you want to make during a 1-1 coaching session.

The way you present yourself matters, and you'll have our support every step of the way.
20 Popular Modules
Developing your professional presence
Designing a seamless presentation
Communicating meaning and relevance
Communicating complex ideas to people who don't know your subject area
Communicating simply and effectively who you are and what you do
Designing your promotion pitch
Being confident and articulate during meetings
Moving in a relaxed and professional manner with any group of people
Responding effectively rather than reacting immediately to situations
Increasing the power and impact of your voice
Telling engaging stories to make an important point
Using pause to increase impact and confidence
Being Concise
Presenting with and without notes
Being a purposeful listener
Delivering the kind of feedback that helps people develop their skills and confidence
Learning how to deliver difficult messages
Dealing with people when they appear difficult and ask difficult questions
Creating a powerful team presentation
Rehearsing an important presentation to the point where you can't wait to do it